e-VLBI and MIT Haystack: connecting the global VLBI array in the new era of high-speed networks

Puebla, Puebla, México
del 1 al 3 de octubre de 2003


The increase in speed and availability of modern, high speed networks is helping to accelerate the development and use of electronic-VLBI (e-VLBI). Recent experiments have demonstrated the potential to perform e-VLBI at near gigabit per second speeds and to obtain UT1 estimates in under 24 hours. In this presentation, we provide an overview of e-VLBI, discuss its potential benefits and describe the generic architecture of an e-VLBI system. We also present the results of a recent International e-VLBI experiment. We present a brief overview of current global connectivity between various e-VLBI sites around the world and discuss some of the current e-VLBI issues that need to be resolved in order to realize the full potential of e-VLBI. Finally, we discuss current e-VLBI development and standardization activities.

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